The slang of SHS: part 27


Nolan Wollum poses with a dictionary for his annual slang article.

We are approximately five weeks into the school year? That’s like maybe, 1/10 or so done or something! Maybe! Progress! In this year of school, we must continue to persist even through the perils of a newish year, such as homework, procrastination, and just flat out ineptitude. There are many ways to combat these issues, and my personal coping method is slang. A slang a day keeps the doctor away, or at least that’s what 9 out of 10 doctors say. Here’s more slang.



/wā/ /əv/ /T͟Hē/ /rōd/

Synonyms: How it goes, result

“That’s just the way of the road, Bubs.”

Way of the road is a phrase that can be used in many situations, especially those of ending in results that is not what was intended. Way of the road is a sort of a mood in life, as sometimes, things just happen that are out of your control, that just need to be excepted and accepted, regardless of whether it was wanted or not.