Sartell Slang is bringing you some new acronyms this week. Current Sartell students prefer to shorten phrases and words to get their point across faster. This week will help you understand some of the current popular phrases!
WTM (what the move):
Pronunciation: wät·tha·müv
High Schooler Definition: used to ask what is going on; what events are happening
“WTM tonight?”
“Does anyone know WTM is?”

SMH (shaking my head):
Pronunciation: shay·kuhng mï hed
High Schooler Definition: used, for example on social media and in text messages, when you do not believe something, or do not approve of it.
“Did you hang out with Allison last night? SMH”
“Your favorite color’s red? SMH”

ROFL (rolling on the floor laughing):
Pronunciation: row·luhng on tha flor la·fuhng
High Schooler Definition: used to show you think something is very funny
“Stop I’m ROFL”
“She is so funny, I was ROFL”