The highlighted teacher for this Teacher of the Week is one of Sartells English teachers, Ms. Box.
The highlighted teacher for this Teacher of the Week is one of Sartell’s English teachers, Ms. Box.
photo used with permission from Kelsey Box

Teacher of the Week: Ms. Box

Ms. Box with her cute little nephew, Jameson who is 2 years old. (photo used with permission from Kelsey Box)

This week’s teacher of the week is Sartell High School’s very own English teacher, Ms. Box. 

Ms. Box can be found in the middle of the upper Pines wing in SHS. This year she is teaching English 9, but in the past, she has taught Creative Writing (9-10, 11-12), English 11, and Communication Arts.

This super gorgeous picture was taken in Seattle with the skyline in the background. Ms. Box is with her bestie, Mackenzie. (photo used with permission from Kelsey Box)

Sometimes people wonder how teachers do what they do every day. From grading papers to keeping. students happy, Box does it all!

Ms. Box was asked a series of interesting questions, the following paragraph were her responses.

Ms. Box decided to become a teacher because her mom was a teacher! When Ms. Box was growing up she was always told that she would be a good teacher, and she fought it.

Box states, “I was going to be a doctor but I didn’t even think that going into college so I went to school at St. Scholastica. At St. Scholastica you have to do an intro to teaching class if you want to be a teacher, that’s the first class of your freshman year so that kind of cemented it.”

Ms. Box also loves to read so that is why she decided English would be the subject to teach for her!

Ms. Box spend a lot of time with her friends. She has an amazing group of pals! (photo used with permission from Kelsey Box)

When Ms. Box was asked what other subject she would teach if she wasn’t teaching English, she replied with, “I almost had a minor in history, so maybe that, or I think being a FACS teacher would be fun.” 

Teachers are always busy doing something at school, but when they do have free time, what do they do?

Outside of the SHS walls, Ms. Box stays very occupied. When asked what she does, she responds, “I hang out with my friends a lot, and read, my dog Rosie takes up a lot of my time so we go on walks, hang out, and play. For downtime I crochet, so I’ve been crocheting a blanket for my mom for Christmas.”

Q: If you were to pursue another career, what would you do?

A: I would love to own a little coffee shop and used bookstore, and sell fresh bouquets of flowers and stuff like that.

Q: Off the top of your head, what is a quote you live by?

A: “Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, do better.” -Maya Angelou

Q: If you could take a week-long vacation anywhere, where would you go and why?

A: “I would really like to go to Amsterdam, and that area of the world, or Sweden, because the landscape is beautiful.”

FUN FACT: Ms. Box is on book 50 for the year!

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About the Contributor
Eden Wollum
Eden Wollum, Journalist
Grade: Senior Favorite Holiday: 4th of July Favorite season: Fall Car Name: Clyde Dream Job: Dental Hygienist