The COVID Diaries: Entry 20

Jordan Wenshau

Send me your drawing ideas if you have any to spare! Check out my google form below for details.

Howdy there.

Welcome back to the COVID Diaries.

Today I have a drawing activity for us. This is a fun game I like to play with my family and friends that inspires creativity and kills boredom. I like to take someone’s favorite things and draw them together. Most of the time it is their favorite food and favorite animal together, but my sister had me draw a polar bear playing a ukulele. It’s super fun to do while listening to music or watching Netflix (see my last diary entry for some great suggestions).

Other drawings I’ve done include a turtle with ice cream, a shark eating pizza, and a puffin on a spaghetti mountain. I hope this idea inspires you to be more creative in these trying times. If you can’t think of anything to draw, try out this art prompt generator to spark your imagination.

If you are not the artist type, but you like this idea or have some funky suggestions, please take a minute to fill out this google form because I am always looking for great inspiration. In my spare time, which I seem to have a lot of now, I’ll put together your idea to the best of my ability then send it to you after. Or, if you do want to try this on your own, you can send me your drawings at [email protected], and I’ll showcase them here in my next entry.

Thanks for tuning in and have a radical day! 🙂