The LeSabre

The LeSabre

The LeSabre

Sartell slang: Part 32

McKenna Petron
Elizabeth likes to read her dictionary in the lunchroom to learn about being salty.

Students currently attending SHS use slang as their own special way of communicating. If you were to try using slang from 10 years ago, you would probably make no sense to the current generation.

Slang continues to fluctuate, with new phrases coming and going each year, populating through the media.

I don’t know what people mean most of the time, so this is basically the new urban dictionary.  In order to keep SHS educated and updated, let’s bring Sartell Slang back!


Salt Shaker used to add salty flavor to food. (photo via under the creative commons license)

Pronunciation: sol·tee

Merriam-Webster definition: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performace


“The fries are very salty.”

“I don’t want my food too salty.”



A woman who is feeling salty towards her friend. (Photo via Pexels under the creative commons license)

High Schooler Definition: being bitter or upset towards someone;

being upset over something little.

“She was salty at her friend for taking her sweatshirt.”

“My friend didn’t give me a ride, so I was salty.”




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About the Contributors
Elizabeth Jarnot
Elizabeth Jarnot, Journalist
Grade: Senior Favorite Holiday: Christmas Car Name: Scarlett Favorite Drink Place: Starbucks and Dunkin Favorite Food: Cream cheese        
McKenna Petron
McKenna Petron, Journalist
Grade: Senior Favorite Season: Summer Favorite Drink Place: Starbucks and Jamba Juice Car Name: Milo Hobbies: Painting, shopping, and driving