
How well does Shelby know Alec?

Q: Favorite color? 

Her Answer: Blue

His Answer: Purple

Q: What is their eye color?

Her Answer: Blue/Green

His Answer: Blue Green

Q: What’s their favorite movie or TV show? 

Her Answer: Breaking Bad

His Answer: Trailer Park Woods

Q: What’s their dream job? 

Her Answer: Engineer/Construction, or something with his hands

His Answer: Electrician

Q: What’s their dream vacation?

Her Answer: Somewhere Tropical

His Answer: Norway

Q: What’s his favorite season?

Her Answer: Summer

His Answer: Fall

Q: When is his birthday? 

Her Answer: June 9th

His Answer: June 9th

Q: Who is more inclined to be jealous? 

Her Answer: Me

His Answer: Alec

Q: Who was interested first? 

Her Answer: Me

His Answer: Shelby

Q: Who wears the pants in the relationship?

Her Answer: ME

His Answer: ME