A fight turned into a stabbing at Long Reach High School
Two students, a seventeen boy and an eighteen-year-old man, were reported fighting outside the Long Reach High School parking lot on Thursday morning at around 11 a.m. Things started to get heated between the two until it took a turn for the worst.
The school resource officer responded to a report that two students were outside the parking lot fighting when the seventeen-year-old pulled out a knife and allegedly stabbed the eighteen-year-old. The officer was quick to respond and was at the scene in less than a minute. Reporters said the seventeen-year-old fled the scene in a vehicle, but it wasn’t long before he was brought into custody and waiting for charges to be pressed. The two seemed to be having an argument about something which is now known as the altercation for the stabbing. the Eighteen-year-old was rushed to a Shock Trauma center in Baltimore. He is in serious but stable condition as of now.

The school was put on modified lockdown for the rest of the day for precautions. The schools around the area were also put on lockdown due to the increased police presence in the district. In a letter to the families, superintendent, Micheal Martirano stated: “Today there was an altercation between two students that resulted in a serious injury. The school went into immediate lockdown to keep students and staff safe. Police quickly arrived on the scene and dealt with the situation. This is a very concerning situation and I’m doing all I can to keep everyone safe”
As of right now, the names of the students are not being released or what the seventeen-year-old is being charged with.