Friendships may be temporary; family is forever
On the left, is G who just turned 13 today. On the right is me, at 10 years old.
Family is one of the most important things to me and always has been. My family has always been there for one another. The relationships I form with them are extremely important to me since my family is one of the closest families I personally know. My family continues to support me through everything and all my dreams and goals in life. They do everything to spend time with each other whenever possible. In a perfect world, I would love to spend time with them on a daily basis.
One of the relationships I want to nourish forever is with my oldest nephew, G. G is only five years younger than me, so he is definitely like the little brother I never had since only having older siblings.
As we get older, I want to make sure G knows that he can always come to me when things get hard or if he ever needs advice. I know, from personal experience, that when life gets challenging everyone should have someone they are comfortable talking to at any time. I wish to be that person for G. I want to make sure he knows that he can rely on me when things get rough. I have already seen him be the best big brother to his three younger siblings. Even though they argue and push each other around, he still would do anything for them and protect them.
To find out G’s perspective on certain aspects of life and being the oldest sibling, I had asked him some questions about it, and what it is like since I never got to experience having younger siblings.
Q: What is your favorite part about being an older brother?
A: Being able to tell my little brothers what to do.

Q: Describe each sibling in one word.
A: M: funny C: innocent L: cute
Q: What is it like to have an aunt who is only five years older than you?
A: It doesn’t matter to me.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do with your siblings?
A: Play basketball.
Reading his answers really showed me how much love G has to give. Throughout his 13 years, I have always tried my best to be there for him every step of the way. Seeing him be the best big brother has really shown me what a good person he will become in the future. I hope he knows that I love him more than anything and will continue to support him throughout his whole life.

I grew up in Sartell, Minnesota, but I now live in St. Cloud. I love spending time with my family and hanging out with friends. I love watching sports...