Siblings of Sartell: Sophie and Olivia Doering
Sophomore and Junior at Sartell High School, Olivia and Sophie Doering.
Here at Sartell we have plenty of sibling duos, this week I will be interviewing two sisters with a love hate relationship. Sophie is a junior, and Olivia is a sophomore this year.
Q: What is your favorite thing to do together?
Olivia: “Probably shopping.”
Sophie: “I would also say shopping or just going for a drive, getting food.”
Q: What do you admire the most about your sister?
Olivia: “Uhh she hangs out with me.”
Sophie: “She doesn’t snitch on me.”
Q: What is your favorite childhood memory
Olivia: “When we would go down the steps in laundry baskets.”
Sophie: “When we made a slipping slide in our bathroom and caused water damage throughout the entire basement.”
Q: What three words would you use to describe your sister?
Olivia: “Nice, caring, supportive.”
Sophie: “Energetic, kind, unique.”
Q: What annoys you most about your sister?
Olivia: “When she wakes me up from my naps.”
Sophie: “When she wears all of my clothes without asking.”

Q: Who takes longer to get ready?
Olivia: “Sophie”
Sophie: “Me”
Q: Who has the messier room?
Olivia: “Me”
Sophie: “Olivia”

Avry Bailey ('22) is a student at Sartell High School. This is her first year writing for the LeSabre. She is looking forward to interviewing and exploring...