Hidden Gems: Mississippi County Park
May 31, 2018
Driving down Riverside of the Mississippi gives not only scenic views of the rushing, or occasionally ice ridden, river and the green hues of the looming pine trees that make any drive feel like an adventure, but it can lead you to a charming secluded and untouched nature scene.

Rachel Ditmarson comes to the park on a regular basis
Mississippi River County Park resides in Rice and includes a park, river access, trails, and archery targets that can be explored and enjoyed any season of the year. Common activities at the park are fishing, skiing, and for amateur photographer Brinn Akervik, a great place to stage photos.
Emma Rasmussen
Brinn said, “It’s one of the first places I started to take pictures often… it holds a special place in my heart.” She finds that anywhere you go inside the park can be scenic enough to capture a perfect photo.“My favorite spot is a when you turn left right after this fork in the road… there is a wide expanse of a field… and it’s really cute.”

Rachel Ditmarson at Mississippi River County Park
The park has elaborate trails dipping in and out of the woods and over wetlands. For Rachel Ditmarson, a Sartell High School Junior, the nature is what she goes for. “ There are not maareasrea around here so completely dedicated to just nature… I really enjoy just coming out here even if it’s to sit in my car. It’s very peaceful.”

Rachel in Mississippi River County Park