Logan Stang has volunteered to be our featured freshmen of the week! Let’s take a look into into his everyday life!

Birthday: August 29th
Favorite Sports: Logan enjoys football and wrestling. He is a middle linebacker in football and normally wrestles at 145 for the Sartell wrestling team. Football is his all-time favorite because of the coaches!
Favorite Color: Logan’s favorite color is blue because it’s the color of the sky.
Favorite Brand: His top pick was Nike because it is the most comfortable.
Favorite Movie: The 2000’s film Remember the Titans.
Favorite Teacher: Mr. Saue.
Hobbies/Activities: Logan loves woodworking, playing sports, and hanging out with his friends.
A quote you live by: “One day or day one.”
Summer Activities: Logan spends most of his summer at sports camps or at the Quarries. He loves to jump off the different cliffs with his friends.
The best part of Sartell High School so far: Logan said his favorite part was the athletics because of all the opportunities and experiences you can gain from a sport.