The Sartell school board refuses budget reduction proposal
The district office is where many school board meetings are held
During a special school board meeting on Monday night last week, the Sartell- St. Stephen School Board turned down budget reduction recommendations made by the administration.
Since the last referendum, the district has been looking into making cuts since the $1.7 million operation levy was denied to fund the new high school last fall.
The school board was contemplating the consequences of cutting staff, suspending administrative salaries, condensing bus routes, and increasing activity fees to satisfy their budget needs.
Three members of the school board voted for the budget reductions, while three others voted against the $1.2 million cut.
“Everyone agrees that the district needs to make cuts, but what to cut is the point of contention,” explains school superintendent, Jeff Schwiebert.
Schwiebert reported that there were several students and parents who voiced their concerns over the board’s consideration of cutting more than half of the Academic Extension program. Kindergarten through 4th grade students receive help from this program to challenge themselves in new academic curriculums and instructions, in and out of the classroom.
The school board must start from the beginning in quickly conjuring new ideas for the district, since the last scheduled school board meeting is scheduled to be Monday, April 15th.
There is also a work session being held at the administrative building on Thursday, April 11th, at 7:30 p.m., which will allow the school board to discuss a handful of decisions.

I am Brinn Akervik and a senior at Sartell High School. I have found myself naturally drawn towards artistic expression, especially through visual media,...