The Skudlarek Sisters, Hallie and Aubrie, spend much of their time together and enjoy going shopping and hanging out with each other. They have an amazing bond; they are the nicest and sweetest to each other and everyone else.

What is your favorite thing about each other?
Hallie (Junior): “She is funny.”
Aubrie (Freshman): “I would say my favorite thing about her is probably her laugh.”
How would you describe each other in one word?
Hallie (Junior): “Annoying”
Aubrie (freshman): “Energetic”
What is Hallie’s favorite store?
Hallie (Junior): “I would say Target.”
Aubrie (freshman): “Target”
What is Aubrey’s favorite store?
Hallie (Junior): “Target or Home Goods”

Aubrie (freshman): “Home Goods”
What is Hallie’s favorite food?
Hallie (Junior): “Dumplings and chicken noodle soup”
Aubrie (freshman): “Chicken noodle soup”
What is Aubrey’s favorite food?
Hallie (Junior): “Probably Chinese food”
Aubrie (freshman): “Chinese food”
Who is the funniest?
Hallie (Junior): “Me”
Aubrie (freshman): “I’m the funniest.”
Who is the tallest?

Hallie (Junior): “Me”
Aubrie (freshman): “Hallie is the tallest.”
Who tends to start a fight?
Hallie (Junior): “I start them first.”
Aubrie (freshman): “Hallie”