The Anderson siblings spend a lot of time together whether it’s on the lake, at sports events, or outside in their pool. They never have a dull moment and value the time spent as a family.
Who is the most athletic?
Ava (Junior): “Me.”
Paisley (Sophomore): “Me.”
Gavin (8th grade): “Me or Bentley.”
Bentley (5th grade): “Me.”
What is your favorite thing to do together?

Ava: “Probably be on the lake.”
Paisley: “Be on the lake and go swimming.”
Gavin: “Swim.”
Bentley: “Play baseball or football.”
Who is the funniest?
Ava: “Me.”
Paisley: “Me.”
Gavin: “Paisley.”
Bentley: “Ava.”
Who is the messiest?
Ava: “Gavin.”
Paisley: “Ava.”
Gavin: “Paisley or Bentley.”
Bentley: “Me.”
What sibling do you fight with the most?
Ava: “Gavin.”
Paisley: “Gavin.”
Gavin: “Bentley.”
Bentley: “Gavin.”
Who usually wins in an argument?
Ava: “Me.”
Paisley: “Ava.”
Gavin: “Ava.”
Bentley: “Me.”
What annoys you the most about each other?
Ava: “Paisley takes my things, Gavin does not stop talking, and Bentley is spoiled and always gets his way.”
Paisley: “Ava is grumpy. Gavin is sassy… he’s like feisty, and Bentley is spoiled.”
Gavin: “Ava is always mad at me for some reason, Paisley thinks she’s right but she’s wrong, and Bentley gets sad easily.”
Bentley: “Ava picks on me, Paisley makes fun of me, and Gavin chews out loud.”
Who is the smartest?

Ava: “Me.”
Paisley: “Gavin.”
Gavin: “Me.”
Bentley: “Ava.”
Who is the favorite child?
Ava: “Bentley.”
Paisley: “Bentley.”
Gavin: “Bentley.”
Bentley: “Me.”
Describe each sibling in one word
Ava: “Paisley-snitch, Gavin-outgoing, Bentley-funny.”
Paisley: “Ava-funny, Gavin-loud, Bentley-athletic.”
Gavin: “Ava-kind, Paisley-nice, Bentley-athletic.”
Bentley: “Ava-cool, Paisley-nice (sometimes), Gavin-athletic.”