Whether it’s going on walks, playing cards, or going to the cabin together, the Klaverkamps love spending time together as a family. During the fall season, they can often be found at their grandparents house where they enjoy hunting and playing games with all of their close family. They are an amazing family with a very special relationship.
Q. What is your favorite thing to do with your sisters?
Brita (Senior) – Going to Starbucks
Luci (Sophomore) – Getting food with them
Cora (Elementary School) – Going to Target or Starbucks
Q. What annoys you the most about each sister?
Brita- Cora, when she comes in my room to tell me something and then she forgets, and Luci when she’s mean for no reason.
Luci- Brita chews too loud and Cora is always dancing and crazy.
Cora- They both think that I am a mess.
Q. How often do you fight?
Brita- Every day
Luci- Every day

Cora- Every once in a while
Q. Who is the most clean?
Brita- Luci
Luci- Me
Cora- Luci
Q. Who is the messiest?
Brita- Me and Cora
Luci- Cora
Cora- Brita
Q. Who is the funniest?
Brita- Cora
Luci- Cora
Cora- Cora
Q. Who is the favorite child?
Brita- Cora
Luci- Cora
Cora- Me
Q. Who is the smartest?
Brita- Myself
Luci- Brita
Cora- Brita
Q. Who is the most athletic?
Brita- Cora unless we play pickleball
Luci- Cora
Cora- Me, unless we count my dad. Then it would be hard to choose.
To get an inside look at the Klaverkamp sisters, we have an exclusive interview with both of the parents of the family. Both Steve and Leigh are very loving parents who are always there for their kids. Steve was very cautious during his portion of the interview
Parent Questions
Q. What’s your favorite family memory?
Leigh (Mom) – Going and getting our Christmas Tree every year and decorating it with our family.
Steve (Dad) – Going on family trips
Q. Who spends the most money?
Leigh- Brita
Steve- Brita
Q. Who is gone the most?

Leigh- Brita
Steve- Brita
Q. Who is the favorite child?
Leigh- Whichever one says that they love their mom!
Steve- Probably Cora because she is the youngest.
Q. Who’s the most picky?
Leigh- Brita if we are talking food, but Luci is the most picky for everything else.
Steve- For food, it’s definitely Brita but there is a lot of room for debate.
Q. Who’s the most helpful around the house?
Leigh- Luci
Steve- Luci
Q. Who’s the funniest?
Leigh- Cora
Steve- Cora
Q. Who’s the least demanding?
Leigh- Luci
Steve- There are so many circumstances but I’d say Luci