In this series of bucket lists, I interviewed three people: Breanna Kurowski, Drew McClellan, and gym teacher, Nathan Schultz. Each one of these people has great ideas and aspirations as to what they hope to accomplish on their bucket lists. Listed below I asked these three SHS students what they hope to achieve on their bucket list, as well as an inspirational quote.
Breanna Kurowski was the first person that was interviewed. She would like to travel to all 50 states! Her reasoning behind this is that it would be cool to say you did it. She also would say that Alaska would be the state she looked forward to the most because she would enjoy the fishing.

Nathan Schultz was the second person I interviewed. One of the main goals to accomplish on his bucket list would be to travel to Sweden. His reasoning behind why he chose Sweden because of the sweet sights. He loves the outdoors and Sweden is full of beautiful nature as well as architecture.

Drew McClellan was the third person I interviewed. A major thing he would like to accomplish on his bucket list is winning the lottery. This bucket list item relies all on luck, and we wish Drew the best of luck.