In this segment I interviewed seniors Carson Thorstenson, Brita Klaverkamp, and junior Andrew “T” Tavale. They all had new and interesting goals/ideas to do for their bucket lists. So without further adieu let’s jump right into it.
Carson said he wants to hit a big jackpot at the casino. He said he would take his winnings and move to Thailand where it’s warm and tropical. His reasoning was because he gets the thrill from winning and still gets to move to his dream destination.

Brita’s bucket list includes her traveling to Paris, so she can see the Eiffel Tower lit up at night. Traveling around the world is something Brita wants to do.

The last person I would ask is Andrew “T” Tavale. T said he would like to hit champion in Rainbow Six Siege. R6 is a very popular video game where the objective is search and destroy. T’s reasoning was because it would be a huge accomplishment for him.