Minnesota authorities fear edibles may create new outlaws
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The legalization of marijuana edibles with little regulation has authorities in Minnesota worried.
A day last fall, a Minnesota man named Antione Irani walked into a North Suburban smoke shop to buy a sweet treat to stabilize his blood sugar levels.
Irani ate the sweet gummies sold to him by the clerk, and about 45 minutes later, Irani began to feel not himself and possibly ill. He was feeling wrong due to the fact that he ate edibles containing THC, and he was now experiencing a high derived from Marijuana. Irani was later admitted to the hospital for doctors to help monitor him and see why he was feeling so ill. This scary event is one of 84 examples of people accidentally eating THC gummies within the past 8 months.
Eight months ago, Minnesota lawmakers passed a law legalizing THC edibles with a limit of 50mg per container, and 5mg per serving to dip their toes into the legalization of Marijuana.
Since then, Minnesota authorities have begun to worry about how they can control the loosely regulated products. “I’ve heard it referred to as the Wild West of edibles right now,” the Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association, Jeff Potts said in an MPR article. “I think law enforcement does feel kind of hamstrung in their ability to do any kind of regulatory oversight on the edibles.”
When it comes to the alarming case of Antione Irani, the police officer who spoke with Irani said there was little action he could take for Irani to receive justice. “I can go over there and see what it is that they’re handing out, but I don’t know what else I can do for you,” Sgt. Rick Keyer told Irani as he explained that getting a sweet gummy treat from a smoke shop may not be the best idea.

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Guitar, cars
Childhood Nickname: Saturn
Best Restaurant: Gilberto's
Cars Name: Pepper