New UPS scam is circulating
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Scam alert!! People in the tri-county area are at risk of a UPS scam.
A Benton County Sheriff’s facebook post shares information on a new UPS scam going around.
The scam is a simple message saying that a package wasn’t delivered. It will ask you to provide name, date of birth, address, city, state, and email.

The scam is posing as the United Parcel Service.

From the call centers who call every 10 minutes to the realistic UPS scams such as this, they all have one goal, to scam you.
It could be because they want your bank info, SSN, or your personal information.
If it’s your SSN you can contact the government via phone or website. Call 1-800-772-1213 or message on
If it is your bank account you should contact them right away and give info on the scam.

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Fishing and Singing
Childhood Nickname: Kactus
Best Restaurant: G Allen's
Car's Name: Shirley