Teacher of the Week: Mrs. Steinberg


During various weeks of the school year, the LeSabre highlights standout teachers of the Sartell-St. Stephen school district.

Teachers influence our lives in so many ways. They serve as examples for how to be successful, efficient, and kind adults for our future.

Steinberg enjoys being on the lake with her dog in the summer days (Used with Mrs.Steinbergs permission)

This week the LeSabre highlights Mrs.Steinberg as the Teacher of the Week! In the Watab learning wing, you will find Mrs.Steinberg. She teaches all of the accounting classes offered at Sartell High School. 

Mrs. Steinberg and her husband pose together while soaking up nature’s beauty. (Used with Mrs. Steinberg’s permission)







Outside of work, Steinberg participates in a variety of activities. She regularly enjoys hiking and camping as a way to stay connected with nature. Hanging out on the lake is also an opportunity she can never pass up. She stays busy by supporting her high school son in the variety of sports he participates in. Some of her interests include: dogs and scrolling on TikTok.

When Mrs.Steinberg was questioned about a quote she notably lives by her response was, “It is what is.” 


Mrs. Steinberg received her education from North Dakota State University located in Fargo. 

Mrs.Steinberg supports her son during the recent football season he participated in (Used with Mrs.Steinberg’s permission)

If Mrs.Steinberg was not currently teaching she says she would go back to her previous job. Previously, she was the Director of Admissions at a Medical College. If that was not the case, she would be an accountant.

Now leaves the fun questions: 

Q:  If you were a fictional character who would you be and why? 

A: Batman! Such cool toys! And I’d finally have my motorcycle. 

Q: Who is your celebrity crush? 

A:  Hmmmmmmm……tough one… Jason Mamoa or Shemar Moore???

Every week, a different teacher from SHS will be spotlighted, so don’t forget to stay tuned!