Andrew Tate accused of rape after voice memos and text messages surface
Photo via Wikimedia Commons under the Creative Commons license
Tate is a four time world kick boxing champion
Andrew Tate has been arrested twice on suspicion of rape and assault in the UK in 2015. Tate is currently detained in Romania on suspicion of human trafficking. The Crown Prosecution Service decided not to charge him with any crimes because there was “no realistic prospect of conviction.”
A third woman has now stepped forward to accuse Tate of rape. The woman refers to herself as Amelia to protect her identity. Amelia had been dating Tate for 2 to 3 weeks before the rape took place in 2013. Vice has released WhatsApp messages and voice memos that Tate sent her.
The text messages read “And I love raping you. And watching u let me while still debating if it’s a good idea or not” and “When ur under my control, I do whatever I please.”
Amelia shared her story after two other women had come forward with their own accusations.
Amelia says “I felt stronger. I felt like, ok, I’m not alone now, I’ve got two other girls.”

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Shopping, getting my nails done, traveling
My Car's Name: Victoria
Favorite Coffee Drink: Iced toasted white mocha with...