Scientists revive “Zombie Virus” from Siberian permafrost
Screenshot via TheJohnstonFoundation under creative commons licnense
A Russian team of scientists exploring eastern siberia
Researchers have discovered new microbes from the melting of the permafrost caused by rising temperatures in the environment.
These microbes were frozen close to 50,000 years, and as far as what scientists know so far, they can only infect amoeba.

As the newly discovered microbes thaw there is no guarantee they will revive themselves. BioRxix has more in-depth information on everything that is going with these microbes that are thawing.
Jean Michel Claverie, a microbiologist at Aix Marseille University in France, told Live Science in an email, “…their presence and infectivity suggest that ancient viruses infecting animals/humans could still be infectious.”
These microbes are not entirely harmless although not the biggest threat humans need to worry about in the world compared to other deadly viruses.

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Cars, Lifting Weights, Boxing
Favorite Drink: Protein Shakes
Favorite Holiday: Halloween
Childhood Nickname: Redwood