I need s’more of this

Danielle Murray

Making smore cupcake was a hard task the cupcakes are dirzzled with chocolate syrup and frosted with store bought frosting

I am a fan of baking, and this feature showcases some of the recipes I’ve been making. Sometimes they turn out Sometimes, not.

This week I decided I will never bake Smore Cupcakes again. There were so many ingredients, and I had to keep going back to the store because I kept forgetting the ingredients. I also had to substitute other ingredients because the store didn’t have the ingredients for the recipe.

When we were making the frosting, it looked strange and chunky, so I tried it and decided it wasn’t for me. Instead, we used store-bought frosting we had in our cabinet that I completely forgot about.  It tasted way better than the frosting I made. 

I also misread the ingredients; it said to add 1/4 cup of butter, but I just tossed in the entire butter stick without looking. Thankfully, Brittany read the directions and said that I only needed 1/4, so I just cut the butter in half while it was in the bowl.

 Overall I was just a mess and making it was a mess. But on the bright side, I did get a good arm work out so if you don’t wanna hit the gym just make Smore Cupcakes at home.

Side note: make sure you read the directions before making the recipe. It does come in handy when making the recipe so it doesn’t taste like butt.