Pilot whales have died from stranding themselves on islands in New Zealand
photo via lookandlearn.com under the creative commons license
The stranding of pilot whales has been common in areas of New Zealand.
477 pilot whales have died from stranding themselves on remote islands in New Zealand over the past few days on the Chatham Islands, home of about 600 people, where the whales had been found beached and unable to be floated back out into the water due to the risk of a shark attack on humans.

This unfortunate event left bystanders heavy-hearted from this loss. 232 whales stranded themselves on Tupuangi Beach and another 245 on Waihere Bay last Monday reported The Department of Conservation. Although this event was a natural incident, residents mourn the loss of these extraordinary whales.
The stranding of pilot whales is quite common in New Zealand due to the confusion of location systems causing the whales to get lost and strand themselves. As the whales search for food and come closer to shore they become disoriented. Because of the location of the beaches, there isn’t much for officials to do besides letting them decompose on the coast.

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