Teacher of the Week
In the heart of the Sartell school district are the staff that makes everything possible. The real question is who they are as a person outside of the classrooms and the school.
As a Phy-Ed teacher, Mr. Sailor spends most of his time in the gym and the weight room. He also spends his time coaching the boys’ lacrosse team in the spring. But what does he do for fun?

Through an interview, I got to learn what he was like outside of school. When asked the questions, Sailor came up with some straightforward answers.
In his free time Sailor loves to be in the weight room and lift. Some other thing that he loves to do is fish and hunt which he couldn’t do without his trusted companion, Renny, who is a charcoal lab.
Other than hunting with his dog, he loves to just spend time with her. He also enjoys spending time with his wife.

Now before Sailor could become a teacher he had to get his education somewhere. He went to two different colleges in his schooling days. Gustavus for his undergrad degree, and Bemidji is where he got his master’s degree.
When asked what he would have done if he hadn’t become a teacher, Sailor gave two different answers. He said either a strength coach or a police officer.
Matthew Noetzel, a sophomore, said his favorite thing about Sailor was that “He’s strong and he helps other kids.”
With all the serious questions that I had asked I decided to throw in some fun ones too. I asked him what is a quote or a saying that you live your life by.
He said “hard work pays off” which is totally true.
I then asked if he could be any fictional character who would he be and why. At first, he struggled with this question. He came to the conclusion that he would be Rooster from Top Gun: Maverick because “everyone loves Miles Teller.”
The last question that I asked him was who his celebrity crush was. Sailor said that it would have to be MEGAN FOX.
Every week we will be learning about a different teacher. So don’t forget to come back and get to know the people that teach you every day

Grade: Senior
Hobbies: Dance, and being with friends
Childhood Celebrity Crush: Travis from Hannah Montanna
My car's name: Tommy
Favorite Movie:...