Interstellar is a lengthy film directed by Nolan Christensen. I recently watched this film after hearing amazing reviews from family members and friends. I’m not typically into science and in the future films, but this movie unexpectedly surprised me. From the literal out-of-this-world landscape filmography to the amazing acting, Interstellar has changed my perspective on many different fronts.

The story follows a dad named Cooper who is played by Matthew McConaughey and his daughter Murph who is played by Jessica Chastain. This film takes place in the future on planet earth where everyone is forced to be farmers due to the lack of consumerism and food. Cooper was once an engineer, but is now forced to be a farmer to support his family. This futuristic world is dusty and breaking apart, and Cooper recognizes that. His biggest fear is that his daughters generation will be the last to experience life on earth, and quickly his suspicions become correct. During a dust storm, Murph accidentally leaves her window open which causes dust to besiege her room. Cooper closes the window, but as the dust fell, an encoded message is laid out on the floor. Cooper recognizes this gravitational anomaly and decodes the message. The pattern of the dust turned out to be coordinates of a secret base owned by NASA. Because he is curious, Cooper decides to go to the secret base with Murph. As he suspected, NASA tells him that the production of corn will quickly diminish due to the dry soil. Without corn theres no more food, and without food there will be no more life. The NASA engineers explain that they want Cooper to go travel the galaxy for a new habitual planet for people on earth to live. After accepting the offer, Cooper leaves his family and goes to a new galaxy. While in this new galaxy, he comes across many problems with lying astronauts, time jumps on different planets, and ultimately realizing his true fate.

Towards the end of the movie, Cooper sacrifices himself to save another astronaut. Without his sacrifice, both of them had a high chance of dying. Just like our earth, they still haven’t found out exactly what happens to you when you enter a black hole. The only thing they know is that you end up dying. Cooper enters the black hole still in part of the spaceship and makes sure to report his observations. While entering everything goes silent. The spacecraft starts to break down and it seems like Cooper is about to die.
Instead, he enters a human-made tesseract. Unaware of why he ended up there or who made it, he takes it all in looking around the manmade labyrinth. He realizes that all the walls are made up of Murph’s bookshelf from when she was little. He looks into all of them and realizes that he can see Murph throughout the years of her being inside that room. He sees the moment he left for space, Murph inside her room looking at the bookshelf, and when the sand washed in from the dust storm. At this moment, he realizes that he is the one who arranged the dust into the coordinated and gave Murph the Morse code to stay home. After all these events that led him to where he is now, he realizes that it was future him that gave him all these hints. He goes through the tesseract arranges the sand and attempts to provide Murph with the morse code to have him stay. However, it all failed. Thinking he may lose her, he moves the watch on her shelf that he gave her when he left and messages the formula for gravity. Cooper doing this ultimately saved his life and every one of Earth’s lives because Murph now knows the formula to survive on another planet.
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Right before Cooper is about to leave, Murph receives a message from what she thinks is a ghost in her room that says “stay”. She explains this to her dad and begs him to stay. She knows the complications of space and doesn’t want to loose her dasd. Even worse, she doesn’t want to end up being older than he dad when he comes back from the time jump. Although we find out that its Cooper in the future who gives her this code, present Cooper doesn’t believe it. He ends up going, saddened by having to leave his family and his solar system.
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This quote is really moving once you know the whole story of Interstellar. Its ironic because Cooper ends up being Murphs so called “ghost” that gave her all these morse codes. Its also very literal because in most situations parents die before their kids. However, kids will forever see their parents as their role models and who they’re working to impress. In a parents eyes, you’re simply a ghost of your kids, forever watching them without them ever seeing you.
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After years of Cooper being in space, he is finally able to see his daughter again. When visiting her for the first time in decades, he asks her how she believed he’d come back. This quote is her response. This quote proves the theme that although time is forever moving and ticking around us, our love for our family will always be a constant. Although their situation isn’t necessarily ideal, Cooper is just happy that he is able to see Murph again.
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This quote proves that people are heavily affected by the changes the world is going through. As I earlier explained, everyone is forced to be farmers due to the low production of food. Even if you were a doctor, engineer, or teacher, you are highly expected to become a farmer. As for Cooper, he was once a brilliant engineer and is now a farmer to make ends meet with his family. Although he is a farmer, he still wants the best for his kids. When told that his son should turn to farming instead of college, he realizes how much the world has changed.
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- This is when Brand is left alone after Cooper sacrifices himself to allow Brand to travel to the last planet. Brand finally gets to the new planet and finds a sort of camp. Although she is finally safe, she is sad because she thinks Cooper is dead. At the end of the movie, this is the last scene we see with Brand in it. We don’t know wether or not her and Cooper got into connection or if she even knows he is alive. This teaser at the end makes some fans believe there will be a second movie.

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2. This is the scene where after adventuring to Millers planet, the time jump is giant. Every hour on Millers planet is 7 years on planet earth. So as Cooper stayed the same age, his kids grew up to be as old as him. He learns that Murph is still angry at him for leaving and has held it against him for her whole life. He also learns that his son has gotten married and has a kid. Dealing with this time jump is a giant mental battle that Cooper suddenly has to face. NASA has sent him videos from the past few decades and he veiws them immediately after getting back on the ship.

- I will always stand by the fact that the soundtrack of a movie is so important. This soundtrack is all original music and is filled with beautiful instrumental songs. Down below I have placed a few of my favorites from the soundtrack.
2. The theme of this movie, to my understanding, is that love transcends time and that no matter the journey, decisions, and adventures made along the way, the love for your family will always be stronger. I think it is important to understand this theme because it easy to get mixed signals because of how long the movie is.
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10/10, this film is a classic favorite and it does live up to its name. It’s such an interesting and never done
before film that really takes the cake the best futuristic film.
This movie is a perfect mixture of family love and a dystopian, science feel. It has changed my thinking forever when it comes tot he thought of future life on earth. It was such a beautiful movie with amazing cinematography, a breathtaking
soundtrack, and brilliant actors and actresses. This film has definitely moved its way up into my top five movies of all time.