This almuni, Hannah Diekman is a 2024 Sartell High School graduate.
Hannah has made countless memories here in Sartell and is now enjoying the next few years in North Dakota!

Q- Where did you end up going?
A- “I ended up at North Dakota State University (NDSU) in Fargo, North Dakota.”
Q- Were you set on going anywhere other than where you decided on?
A- “I was in between NDSU and UMD but after touring NDSU and hearing more specifics about my major, I decided that NDSU was a better fit for me.”
Q- What are you majoring in?
A- “I am dual majoring in Human Development and Family Science (HPFS), and Elementary Education. I am also minoring in Spanish 4.”
Q- Are you happy with your decision?
A- “I am very happy with my decision of being in Fargo and the majors I chose.”
Q- Have you made any new friends in college?
A- “Yes! My roommate (Hannah) is one of my closest friends here on campus. I have also met some new friends from the Holdingford area, Central MN area, as well as other states and parts of MN.”
Q- What is your favorite class so far in college?
A- “My favorite class I’ve taken so far at college is my HDFS 320: Prenatal, Infant, and Toddler Development class.”
Q- Do you participate in any clubs in college?
A- “I was on the training NDSU dance team.”
Q- Have you found a job in college and if so where?
A- “I work at the wellness center’s child care.”
Q- Do you ever feel homesick in college?
A- “I didn’t at first, because I was so excited for all the new college experiences, but after visiting and leaving home for the first time it really sunk in. Leaving home after spending a month with my family and hometown friends was definitely the hardest transition for me.”

Q- What do you miss about high school?
A- “I miss being able to see the people I grew up with everyday and all the teachers that made my years at Sartell High School the best they could be.”
Q- What do you miss about the city of Sartell?
A- “I miss all the Sartell community events, people, sporting events, plus being so close to lakes haha.”
Q- Do you miss anyone who still goes to school at Sartell?
A- “Yes! I miss both my sisters (Emma) and (Molly) that go to Sartell still, many of my old teammates, as well as many others!”
Q- Do you keep in touch with anyone who just graduated along with you from Sartell?
A- “Yes, I still have close relationships with my high school best friends, my boyfriend, dance teammates, choir friends, baseball friends, and many others!”
Q- Who were your favorite teachers you had in high school?
A- “My favorite teachers in high school were Mr. Krippner, Mr. Prigge, and Mrs. Nelson.”
Q- What was your favorite class in high school?
A- “My favorite classes I took in high school were Journalism, Creative Writing, and Unified PE.”
Q- Did you play any sports in High School?
A- “I was on the schools dance team and track team for all four years of high school.”