Starting the weekend off strong, the Varsity Jazz team performed their routine, “Don’t Speak” at the well-renowned show, Best of the Best, hosted by the University of Minnesota Dance Team on Friday, January 10th! It is an honor to get invited to perform at this show, so being in attendance for the past three years has been incredible! The whole team came to support the Varsity Jazz team and to watch the other routines.

After a long night of fun, the team boarded the bus Saturday morning and drove down to Edina for a stacked competition! In the 3A varsity competition, the jazz portion had 15 teams competing, and the kick portion had 13 teams. in the 3A JV competition, the jazz portion had 14 teams competing, and the kick portion had 13 teams. In the 3A B-squad competition, there was 10 teams competing. The competition also had an exhibition portion, where collegiate and out of state high school teams performed. The team had great performances, with all of them being their season-best so far!!