The Presidential Barbecue: Bernie Sanders

Sanders Wings with Seasoned Buffalo Sauce

Getting More Political

In some people’s minds, political dishes are duplicitous by nature; that they are reluctant to stick to controversial stances and defend their tastes because they are afraid of alienating eaters. But if that’s the case, Bernie Sanders certainly isn’t chicken. As the most liberal candidate in the barbecue, Sanders has attracted both loyal supporters and staunch opposition with his polarizing left wing views, and though he trails behind Sweet and Sour Hillary in terms of general popularity, he still retains a shot at the democratic nomination. So for better or for worse, let’s take a comprehensive look at the oldest dish in the barbecue.

This particular recipe hails from New York, and has served as a Vermont senator since 2007. A die-hard progressive classic, Sanders has a legacy of service with the cutting edge of liberal policy. He served as the mayor of Burlington, Vermont, for four terms, and was the first independent candidate in 40 years to be elected to the U.S. Senate. Now running on the Democratic ticket, and self-proclaimed Democratic Socialist, Sanders Wings goes left on every issue on the table, from general taxation policy to abortion to LGBT rights.

If you could only have one for the rest of your life, which barbecue dish would YOU prefer?


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With his unflinching stance on these issues, Sanders Wings isn’t doing as well as Sweet and Sour Hillary, who seems to be more ready to compromise and reach a common ground. Sanders still retains massive popularity with younger voters, but culinary experts believe that his success as a ‘protest candidate’ has been waning in the face of more seasoned politicians. Whether Sanders can muster the support to secure the democratic nomination is largely based on the excitement and enthusiasm he can generate with his large rallies and taste tests to increase voter turnout.

Sanders’ focus at this moment is on Iowa. If he is able to upset Clinton there, he might have a better chance at victory. On the other hand, if he loses, his prospects are burnt to a crisp. At this point, his chances don’t look good. But whether he succeeds or fails, he’s opened a political doorway for others like him to follow. That will be his legacy.