Welcome back to Sabre Sips of the Week, we interviewed two new Sabres for their go-to Starbucks orders on Friday. On Monday we took a trip to Starbucks to get their drinks and try and review them.
First, Kalyn asked Devin Jacobs and Lane Larson what their go-to Starbucks order is, and they like to order an Iced Chai with extra caramel drizzle and also extra cold foam. Then, Sophie asked Chloe Eibensteiner, and she ordered a Strawberry Acai with water, no berries, added peach juice, and sugar-free vanilla.

On Monday morning Sophie and Kalyn drove to Starbucks and got Devin and Lane’s, and Chloe’s drinks. First, we tried the iced chai, and we thought it was pretty good. With the extra caramel, it had a very good caramel flavor with the chai so that made it better. We thought it wouldn’t have a coffee taste as much as it did, so with us not liking strong coffee tastes we weren’t the biggest fans. Then, we tried the strawberry acai with water, no berries, added peach juice, and sugar-free vanilla and we thought this was very good. The sugar free vanilla was better than the regular vanilla we thought which made it better.
Overall this week wasn’t our favorite, but we are excited for next week to try more drinks!