With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought it would be cute to show off the people I am most thankful for. I have some of the best people in my life that would do anything for me. I know I have a biased opinion, but I would say these people are one of a kind, and I am grateful I know them!

First, let’s start off with Lama. She is my best friend, and I will be forever thankful for everything she does for me. I am so grateful that we were in Baking and Pastry together last year. Otherwise I would have never met her. She is always there for me when I need her most. She is my ride or die!
Next is Fallyn; I love her with all of my heart. She is such a sweat heart. I’m so grateful we had 11th grade English together. She helped me through a rough friendship, and I couldn’t have done it without her help. She has supported me through everything and cares for everyone so much.

I’m thankful for Isabelle because she always knows how to cheer me up. When she moved here in 6th grade, we were friends and she would take me to church with her. Our friend group kind of split up, but now we are very close again this year. I am grateful we have gotten close again because I don’t know what I would do without her.

Kaylee is the sweetest person to ever exist. She is the person you would go to cry on their shoulder. I am so grateful I have her because I know she will always be there for me. We used to be besties in 4th grade but then we never had a class together. I am so grateful we got close again this year.

Next, I am grateful for Haley. I never expected to be as close as I am with her. We met last year in English after Fallyn introduced us, and I could never be more grateful. She always knows how to make me laugh and I love spending time with her.
Lastly, I am and will be forever thankful for my family. In my world, family is the most important thing. I know they will always have my back, and they love me unconditionally. I am so grateful that I have such a good relationship with my immediate family and my extended family. I am very close with all of my cousins, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. I love when we get together for holiday because it is nothing but laughter the whole night.