Ms. Benson is a beloved teacher here at Sartell High School and can be described as funny, caring, and supportive. Many students have grown from Ms. Benson’s teaching and find her space to be a positive environment for them.
Why become a teacher?
Ms. Benson wanted to become a teacher because she loves working with young people.
“They make me laugh daily and keep me young,” she says.
Ms. Benson chose to work in the English department because she enjoys grammar and reading. She also hopes to share her passion for reading and inspire other kids. Ms. Benson currently teaches Communication Arts, English 12, and Great Books.
Ms. Benson loves spending time with her family, and they are the biggest part of her life. Her husband, Jon, teaches at South Junior High, her son Lincoln plays football and is going to school to be a Physical Education teacher, and her daughter, Jayna, plays soccer and majors in exercise science. Ms. Benson also has a three-year-old Labradoodle named Juice, who even has an Instagram account.


The Bensons like finding time to travel together and typically go to a tropical place. Ms. Benson loved their Bahamas trip where they were in a remote location. It was a very peaceful area where her husband and son were even able to catch fish and spear lobster! The Bensons like to try going on a trip once a year and find it a great way they can all stay connected and make memories. Another activity the Bensons enjoy doing is going on road trips as a family. They like to make road trips out of good restaurants, sporting events, or concerts.
Favorite activities

In Ms. Benson’s free time, she loves watching her kids Lincoln and Jayna play football and soccer. They both find success playing at the collegiate level for Southwest Minnesota State University. Ms. Benson also enjoys spending time outside working in her garden and reading outside in the summer. Ms. Benson also loves to bake for fun and for loved ones and celebrated her work BFF Ms. Huston’s birthday by bringing her a cake to school.