This past weekend me and my friends decided to carve some pumpkins and have some delicious treats to embrace the fall season. Each one of us brought our own pumpkin and picked the design that we were going to carve into it. We also decided to all bring a treat that reminds us of fall!

If you look at the picture to the left, you can see all the amazing food we brought to the event! Addie supplied a mix of candy corn, candy pumpkins, and peanuts in a bowl. She also supplied the location and some fun decorations! I brought a dirt pie that had chocolate pudding, butterscotch pudding, crushed Oreo’s, and gummy’s worms to top it off! Jillian brought a beautiful charcuterie board with different meats, cheeses, and crackers. She also brought Scooby-Snacks to gives us some nostalgia, with some yummy cheesecake dip! Sophie brought a fruit tray that had a side of fruit dip, and another tray of fruits that you could dip into caramel. Kylee brought the mashed potatoes that her grandpa, who is a chef, dyed green! Finally, Hazel brought a pumpkin pie, but forgot to bake it at home, so it had to comically sit in the oven for an hour!

Next, it was time to carve our pumpkins! We washed our dishes off and went to the table that Addie had set up for carving. We took turns with the marker to draw our design into our pumpkins, and then got ready to gut them out. This part definitely took us the longest because we all choose pretty good sized pumpkins. We bent many spoons during the process. Overall, all of our pumpkins turned out awesome. We even salvaged some pumpkin seeds for addies parents to bake.

I also wanted to hear from some of my friends what their favorite part of the night was. All of these ladies are Sartell students.