Alex and Caitlyn are juniors at Sartell High School; they have been together for one year and eight months.
All about Caitlyn: Caitlyn is a part of a family of seven including herself, her older sisters Bri and Alyssa, and her younger siblings Drew and Ella. As well as her parents Ricky and Cathy. Her family is currently hosting an exchange student named Mateo. She plays soccer for the Sartell girls’ varsity soccer team; she plays the position of a wing and has been on varsity for two years.
All about Alex: Alex is a member of a family of six including himself, his two older brothers Ethan and Spencer, and one younger sister named Aubrey, as well as his parents. Alex plays football and lacrosse. He also plays QB for football and plays defense for lacrosse.

Alex: My favorite memory with Caitlyn is being homecoming royalty freshman year.
Caitlyn: My favorite memory with Alex is making tie blankets and going out to eat for our 1 year anniversary.