This week’s Teacher of the week is Mr. Nordhues, I will be going in depth about what he mainly does at SHS, and what hobbies he enjoys outside of Sartell High School.
If you are trying to locate Mr. Nordhues you can find him in the right side of SHS in the music wing in T110. He currently teaches Tenor Bass, Concert Choir, Show Choir, and 5th grade at RIS.
Nordhues just finished directing GREAT Theatre’s “Waitress” on October 27th. He will be accompanying for “All Shook Up” in January, music directing “Mary Poppins” in February through March, and directing the SHS Theatre’s “Seussical” in March through April.
Nordhues didn’t originally want to be a music teacher. “I first wanted to do vocal performance and/or musical theatre performance. Then I student taught my senior year of college and fell in love with it!”
If Nordhues could teach another musical class he said, “I would love to teach Music Theory, Piano/Keyboard, Music History, or Musical Theatre.”

Brandon Nordhues has many pets he has one dog named Maisie who is currently three years old, and two cats, Leo who is four years old and Takito who is two years old.
Q: What do you do on you free time? “I don’t have free time during the school year with all the shows! But in the summer, I love gardening, house projects, camping, traveling (road trips are the best!).”
Q: When you were in high school did you want to pursue a career outside of the music department? “Early in high school, I thought about being a Physician’s Assistant. If I could teach something else, it would be Geography/History.”
Mr. Nordhues is originally from Grand Island, Nebraska. He then moved to Minnesota to further his education at Saint John’s University. Mr. Nordhues has been working at Sartell High School for 14 years.