This quote and overall scene are gut-wrenchingly beautiful. Elio and his father have a deep, heart-to-heart conversation about past and present love. His dad expresses that he too has felt the same way Elio feels and offers him advice. He says it’s better to have felt the feelings he did for Oliver than attempt to suppress them. It’s better that he felt and enjoyed the love he had for Oliver rather than to have never experienced it. He says life is a waste if you become stuck on one person forever. He suggests not to think of their moments together as sad now that he is gone, but to instead find happiness in the moments they enjoyed together. This scene, without a doubt, will almost always bring me to tears. The mixture of Timothée Chalamet’s silent acting and Michael Stuhlbarg, Elio’s dad’s, ability to memorize and his fluency in talking really ties this monologue together.

John Keating in Dead Poets Society has many amazing quotes throughout the movie, but I decided to pick this one because I think about it a lot as I’m heading into my college years. It’s important in life to think about your future job because you want to be able to live comfortably. However, John Keating, as well as me, thinks it’s even more important to focus on the fundamental pieces of human life that we enjoy. Mr. Keating uses examples of focusing on poetry, romance, and love and I fully agree with that. Life would feel like simply going through the motions if we were to only ever focus on the considerably “important” things in life.

“Carpe diem” is a quote that is very repetitive and a prominent part of this movie. The phrase “carpe diem” means seize the day in Latin. John Keatings’s whole schtick in this movie is to inspire the boys to reach for what they want, not necessarily what they need.

This quote is such a chilling statement, especially if you know the context around it. The Von Erichs, a famous wrestling family during the 1970s, has run into almost every problem. With just two of the five brothers remaining, Kevin Von Erich, played by Zac Efron, loses his remaining brother. He finds him with a bullet through his head outside their family home. He searches for an answer and finds a letter with this quote written on it. It then cuts to a beautiful scene where Kerry reunites with his deceased brothers in a metaphorical heaven. This scene, in my opinion, is the saddest in the whole movie. You watch this family go through so many problems, so much mental and physical abuse from their father, and a lot of pressure from society only to be where they first started. Surrounded by their loving brothers and only having each other to rely on.

This quote is not only moving, but it is also historically important to remember that this is how life once was for women. Amy March, one of four sisters, has finally made a life for herself. She lives in Paris as an artist and is mainly able to live this luscious lifestyle because of her rich fiancé. She doesn’t love him but makes the sacrifice to be able to live comfortably. This quote stems from when one of her friends Laurie, played by Timothee Chalament, tells her to cancel the wedding and instead marry him. However, Amy refuses to live the poor life she did for so long during her childhood. This quote is really touching because it’s amazing to see how far women’s rights have come. Although we still have a far way to go with the subject of women’s rights, it is inspirational to see how life once was for women portrayed so beautifully and emotionally in this film.

This moment of the movie is hard-hitting and overall very emotional. Nic Sheff has quickly fallen into a meth addiction and his dad barely recognizes him anymore. Nic doesn’t see the verity of his situation. However, Nic’s dad, David Sheff, does everything he can to help him. They sit in a cafe yelling at each other. This is when Nic Sheff, played by Timothee Chalamet, yells this quote at his dad. He’s upset his dad is holding him to such a high standard and can’t take the pressure anymore. Nic has fully accepted his drug addiction and wants his dad to see that this is the new him. However, David knows who Nic truly is without the drug addiction and wants the boy he used to be back.

10 Things I Hate About You is one of my favorite movies to laugh and cry to at the same time. I absolutely adore Heath Ledger in this movie and the dynamic duo of him and Julia Stiles makes me love the movie more. This quote is the most memorable monologue in the movie. Kat Stratford, played by Julia Stiles, performs this poem in front of her class. She found out that her love interest Patrick, played by Heath Ledger, was payed to take her out. However, what she doesn’t know is that Patrick wasn’t acting and does gain real feeling for Kat. The main line that sticks out to me in this speech is “But mostly I hate the way I don’t hate you–not even close, not even a little bit, not even at all.” I feel like we’ve all had this feeling during a fight with either a family member or friend where you try your best to hate them, but the love you have for them outweighs the hate.

This quote is one that I think about quite often. It’s such an important thing to keep in mind while we’re in high school because we often make dumb relationship decisions during this time in our life. Even though Sam, Charlie’s crush, doesn’t see the wrong choices she’s making, Charlie sees right through her happy facade. If you think lowly of yourself, you are more willing to let harmful people into your life. However, if you know your worth you will allow loving and kind people be your friend or girlfriend/boyfriend.

This scene of the movie is the first time you see Will Hunting, played by Matt Damon, finally break down. Will Hunting is a brilliant kid who finds himself in bad situations. He doesn’t live with his parents. He was abused when he was little, and he is very pugnacious. He works as a janitor at MIT, and when he solved an extra credit problem on a chalk board outside a classroom, one of the professors decided to give him a chance. However, the professor made him take therapy session with a therapist on campus, Sean Maguire, in order for him to be his student. After many weeks of therapist sessions, Will refuses to take it seriously, and Sean doesn’t know how to connect with him. However, after learning about his abusive past Sean tells Will this quote. He emphasizes a lot on the fact that everything that happened to him when he was little like all the abuse and abandonment from his family isn’t his fault. Will has never heard this before and at first tried to brush it off like it meant nothing. Sean kept repeating it until Will started to cry and believe it.

This overall movie has a silly and child-like feel to it. However, there is a deep and depressing tone being the colorful and fun scenery we become used to while watching this film. The Fox family is poor and lives in a hole under ground. When Mr. Fox catches the sight of this three rich neighbors, he decides to rob them even if it means disobeying his wife. After many successful robberies, Mr. Fox’s neighbors decide to ambush him. After having to dig deeper to escape the neighbors, the Fox family along with other families begin to starve. This is when Mr. Fox realizes his mistake. He also realized he was only stealing from his neighbors because of the validation he would get from other animals. He wanted to be seen as this fantastic fox that provides for the community. Although the Fox family was suffering because of their lack of food, they still had each other and were happy. This movie taught me to never take anything I have for granted and to never reach for more when it isn’t necessary. Overall, I love the visuals of this movie and enjoy the stop-motion and animation aspect added into this film.

This quote and the overall movie are one big rollercoaster ride. In this scene of the movie, Joel is being hypnotized to forget his ex-girlfriend, Clementine. While being hypnotized, he has past visions of times they spent together and immediately he regrets his decision. This quote, heavily emphasizes his regret of choosing to forget her and all their memories together. This movie sparks a lot of questions in my brain. Like, what if we were able to be hypnotized and forget people we once loved? And, how would it affect the world? The repetition of “I wish I had stayed” really highlights his sorrow and regret. Jim Carey does such a good job showing his character’s realization of strong regret for deciding to get hypnotized. Since he is unable to wake up from the hypnotization, he has to relive every moment he and Clementine spent together. Along with Jim Carey, Kate Winslet does such a good job of having great chemistry with Jim Carey and creating a memorable personality for Clementine.