The Swartout family spends a lot of time together either going on trips, being outside, or on a trip to go get something to eat or drink.
What is your favorite thing to do with your siblings?
Sophie (Senior): “Bringing Nick to Mr. Twisty’s in the summer and going to Starbucks with Izzy.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Um snowmobile.”
Nick (7th): “Going fishing with Izzy up at the cabin and my favorite thing to do with Sophie is when we go to fast food restaurants together.”
What is your favorite thing about each sibling?
Sophie (Senior): “Nick will listen when I talk to him, and Izzy will pay for my food when we go places.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Um nothing.. Well Sophie likes to go to Starbucks and brings me there sometimes if she is feeling like it and she spends money on me. Nick will go snowboarding and swimming with me.”
Nick (7th): “Izzy likes to fish and Sophie helps me with my homework sometimes.”

How often do you fight with each other?
Sophie (Senior): “A couple times a week.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “A lot.”
Nick (7th): “Once every week.”
Who is the favorite child?
Sophie (Senior): “Me.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Sophie.”
Nick (7th): “Me.”
What is the most annoying thing about each sibling?
Sophie (Senior): “Nick playing games at 12 o’clock at night when I am trying to sleep and Izzy singing at 12 o’clock at night when I am also trying to sleep.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Sophie doesn’t bring me places and Nick sits on his Xbox.”
Nick (7th): “Izzy doesn’t ever shut up and Sophie never takes me anywhere.”
Who is the most organized?

Sophie (Senior): “Me.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Probably Sophie.”
Nick (7th): “Probably Sophie.”
Who is the smartest?
Sophie (Senior): “Me.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Nick.”
Nick (7th): “Sophie because she is the oldest.”
Who is the funniest?

Sophie (Senior): “Me.. or Nick I don’t know. All of above.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Nick.”
Nick (7th): “Me.”
Who is the messiest?
Sophie (Senior): “Izzy.”
Isabelle (Sophomore): “Nick.”
Nick (7th): “Um probably Izzy.”