The LeSabre

The LeSabre

The LeSabre

    Album Review: Graceland By Paul Simon

    Paul Simon is an American singer-songwriter from Newark New Jersey.

    As I grew up, I was introduced to so many different waves of music. Certain musicians stuck with me and held a special place in my life, more than others. There is a certain album that is one of my all time favorites and holds so many memories within it. This album is Graceland by Paul Simon released in 1986. We have a family cabin, and on hot summer days music is always playing somewhere. My two uncles, Jake and Andy are super big Paul Simon fans, so this album comes on a lot when we are all up there. It just brings back core memories of my family and because of that, it is a super influential album for me. Today I will be reviewing each track on the album based on the lyrics, instrumentation, and just my overall feel of each song. 


    The Boy In The Bubble – 7.5/10

    Paul Simon is a super creative artist. I love the intro to this song, because of it’s bluesy intro. Paul has a unique sound to his songs, and his voice is so unique it is easily recognizable to me. I love that this song brings out Paul’s voice and creativity in full force, and is a unique track to him. Overall, I just really enjoy the groove of the track. I give this song a 7.5/10.


    Graceland – 10/10 

    This is one of my all time favorite Paul Simon songs. The soft nostalgic feel of the acoustic guitar within the intro makes it so easy to listen to. This is definitely just a signature Paul Simon song. I think the back story behind this track is also just super interesting. The lyrics follow Paul’s thoughts on a roadtrip to Graceland after a failed marriage. It is super intriguing to follow along and really listen to the song. It is just a feel good song for me. I can’t give this track any rating under perfect. For those reasons this track is a 10/10.


    I Know What I Know – 7/10

    I think he is super creative in this track with the guitar. In terms of instrumentation, this song is just advanced and different in a great way. The vocals are also so unique but fun to follow along with. This song has such a happy feel which I really enjoy. I give it a 7/10 because it is so different from the other tracks but is still a brilliant piece of music. 


    Gumboots – 7.5/10 

    I really like this track. I love the way he incorporates the harmonica at the beginning. After the chorus hits, there’s a saxophone solo and then a second sax comes in right after and harmonizes with it. This is my favorite part of the whole song. I give this song a 7.5/10/ I really like the pace and creative solo’s within it. 


    Diamonds On The Soles Of Her Shoes – 10/10

    The intro to this song is just a montage of Paul’s vocals. I love this intro so much, and the fact that it leads into a totally different sounding song right after is intriguing to me. Again the acoustic guitar, and little riffs within the song meshed along with the horn section is literally addicting to listen to. This track never gets old, and I just don’t see how you can listen to it and not smile. I give this a 10/10. 

    You Can Call Me Al – 10/10

    This is one of Paul Simon’s most popular tracks, and I know exactly why. It is so well put together and the chorus is so easy to sing along with. This is one of the catchiest songs I’ve listened to, and I just love the creativity within everything the track consists of. The horn section within the chorus and intro are pure ear candy. I give this track a 10/10 for obvious reasons.


    Under African Skies – 8/10 

    I really enjoy the vocals on this track. He harmonizes with another girl in the beginning of the song, and it just makes you want to keep listening. The instrumentation builds up in a way throughout the song which I also love. I just really love how simple and happy this song feels. I give it an 8/10. 


    Homeless – 6.5/10

    This song starts off with pure vocals in a different language which is super unique. Then Paul comes in and sings along with the choir behind him. There is not a single instrument in this song, it is just all voices. It is super unique and creative, but personally just not my favorite track on the album. That doesn’t take away from the creativity and brilliance behind it though. I give this song a 6.5/10.



    Crazy Love, Vol. II – 8/10

    The acoustic guitars meshed together give this song a tropical feel. I really like the vibes of this track and the message it invokes as well. It is easy listening when it comes to Paul Simon. This song is the perfect example of that. This is the type of song you would listen to on a beach, on vacation. I love the track and give it a 8/10.


    That Was Your Mother – 6/10 

    This is creative and I like the vocals from Paul. In terms of the instrumentation though I was just not a huge fan of how it was out together. I really loved the sax solo within it, but other than that I felt like it was too fast paced and I just didn’t love the swing feel behind it. 



    All Around The World Or The Myth Of Fingerprints – 8/10 

    This song is super fast paced and then simmers down after the intro. I feel like this is a great farewell song to end the album with. Again, his voice just fits perfectly into the song, and the lyrics are so unique and personal to him and what he stands for as an artist. I give this track an 8/10.


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