The new movie Wish, created by Disney, has recently received a ton of backlash for its writing and production of the songs.
As of now, Wish’s box office is $107 million compared to Elemental which was released in the same year and has $495.5 million at the box office as of now. Many people have said that the movie was horrible and felt like it was made by an AI.
Some Disney fans are even upset about Disney’s new songs saying that they do not feel as powerful and meaningful as they were back when Frozen, Tangled, and Moana were released. Then, all of the songs had a meaning to the story and showed how the character was portrayed correctly.
Wish takes the storyline that Asha, a girl not born into royalty, sees a falling wishing star; however, the King who had raised Asha as a student now wants to take the wishing star as his own and be all-powerful. As you know this follows very traditional Disney movies involving kings and princesses.

Many people have said that the movie in the first half had a good storyline but then it goes off the storyline which didn’t make sense at all. Something else that many Disney fans had a problem with is the music that this movie produced. A person who wrote a review online said “It felt like the music was AI generated.”
Another person came out on Twitter to say “Why is this movie trying to be woke?”
So what do you think? Did this movie deserve all the hate and backlash its gotten?