Biden goes off script and threatens Putin’s presidency
At the end of a 27-minute speech in Warsaw Poland on March 26, Biden went off script of what was otherwise a satisfactory speech, saying “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power.”
According to, Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and US ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith explained that they do not believe his statement did not imply a change in policy.
Many editorials stated that this event was a “horrendous gaffe” that is going to cause a huge problem.
Biden tried to support his mistake by justifying it as a “moral outrage,” and he claims no apology for the event.
The United States has no say in who other countries have in power. People are upset that Biden said this because they are worried Putin will take this statement as a threat and a hint to assassinate the Russian president.
Biden’s statement, it was not the correct thing to publicly say as the president of a World Power during these complicated times of invasion and warfare.
Zach Pekula, a student at SHS who created a presentation on the topic for another class, had his own thoughts on the situation. “We need to move past this event,” says Pekula. “This comment from Biden was blown way out of proportion.”