Sartell levy passes with flying colors!


Tiffany Heathcote

Even the youngsters in our district are happy the school levy passed last night.

On Tuesday, November 5th the operational levy for the new Sartell High School passed. The final count was 3,047 yes to 2,276 no. With a 57% approval, the levy will raise $1.77 million over the next 10 years.

The levy will be used to help operate the new high school and to help remodel the old high school as it converts into a middle school for grades 3-5. In total, it will contribute to six different buildings including the district office.

The operating expenses will include heating and cooling, custodians, and food service. It will also help support extracurriculars for grades K-12.

Superintendent Jeff Schwiebert, in an email to district staff, said, “The revenue increase will help us as we plan for next year and into the future.”

If the levy would have failed, there would have been a decrease in middle school activities and extracurriculars. It would have also included a possibility of laying off teachers and reducing activity funds.

The approved levy will add $74.30 for each $100,000 property tax owners. Operating levies will not tax agricultural land.

The Sartell Newsleader has more information available here.