Energy Blend
Energy Blend shake shoppe.
Energy Blend is a shake Shoppe in St. Cloud, Minnesota located right next to Wingnut Tattoo parlor. They have been in business for eight and a half years.
The vibe in Energy Blend is very playful and caters to younger children with all of the bright colors and children toys everywhere. I personally thought it was really busy and chaotic with all of the colors going on, and children playing with all of the toys. It would be nice for parents with children to go there, so their kids do not get impatient while waiting for their shakes.
I tried the Oreo Cheesecake shake and was pleasantly surprised. It was very delicious and flavorful. Megan tried the Brownie Batter shake and also loved it. Their most popular shake is Strawberry Sweetheart. We have no complaints regarding the shakes and would recommend trying them. They did take a while to get them ready, which was kind of unfortunate, but if you have nowhere to be it would be great.
There are many shake shoppes in the area and so we asked Brenda, who works at Energy Blend if their competition impacts their business. She says she has seen no impact on their business regarding other shake shoppes opening in the area. Many people love Energy Blend, so I definitely recommend visiting it if you are in the area. I would say it is the top shake shoppe within the area and the most popular.

Grade: senior.
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