Siblings of Sartell: Sarah & Connor Schad
“A sibling may be the keeper of one’s identity, the only person with the keys to one’s unfettered, more fundamental self.” -Marian Sandmaier

Connor and Sarah in the Summer of 2017.
For this edition of Siblings of Sartell, I spoke with Connor Schad (senior), and Sarah Schad (junior) to learn more about their bond as siblings.
Q. What is something that you have in common?
Sarah: “We have the same parents.”
Connor: “We both play the lacrosse goalie position.”
Q. What is something your sibling does that drives you insane?
Sarah: “He talks really loud when playing Fortnite.”
Connor: “Stealing my stuff.”
Q. Have you ever been compared to each other?
Sarah: “Yes, but we are very different.”
Connor: “Yes, I’m the perfect child, and she’s the exact opposite.”
Q. Which of you is the favorite child?
Sarah: “Me… just kidding, him.”
Connor: “Me.”
Q. What is your favorite thing to do together?
Sarah: “Play with the dogs.”
Connor: “Probably playing Fortnite.”
Q. What is the best memory you have with your sibling?
Sarah: “Tubing together and throwing each other off the tube.”
Connor: “Tubing together.”
Q. If you fight, what is it about?
Sarah: “Food.”
Connor: “Anything: talking, breathing, making any noise.”
Q. Finish this sentence: my sibling is…
Sarah: “Kind, Connor is very kind.”
Connor: “Unique.”
Q. Would you break your sibling out of jail?
Sarah: “Yes.”
Connor: “No.”
Q. Do you have nicknames for each other?
Sarah: “Conman.”
Connor: “No I don’t.”
Q. Describe your sibling in 3 words:
Sarah: “Thoughtful, annoying, and loving.”
Connor: “Artsy, crazy, stubborn.”

Grade: 12
Go-to Article of Clothing: turtleneck
Living Room Decoration Must Have: ceramic cats
Movie: Chasing Mavericks