Upperclassmen give registration recommendations
With registration coming up, many of you are probably getting slightly stressed about what classes to take for next year. As a senior, many underclassmen students have asked me questions regarding potential future classes for them. Although I have taken many classes at Sartell High School, there is no way I could give advice for the vast amount of classes available. Because of this, I decided to interview members of the student body and ask them what classes were the most beneficial to them throughout their years at Sartell High School.
- Kenadee M: “College English because RK Anderson in the best teacher and makes you want to learn.”
- Connor S: “I also would recommend College English because of RK’s coffee.”
- Rachel E: “College English because it made my papers stronger and helped me comprehend grammar.”
- Courtney H: “Everyone who takes regular speech should take college speech because it is not that much different or much harder than regular speech. It is beneficial because it helps you gain confidence and it is better to give speeches to a small group of your classmates rather than a classroom full of strangers at college.”
Physical Education:
- Katrina S: “Body Toning because Mrs. Briekreitz is a chill teacher and helps you form close bonds with people in the class. You learn valuable skills that you can use for your whole life.”
- Connor S: “Sports Medicine because Mr. Hacker is one of the best teachers and there is so much you can learn from him and the class.”
- Kaleb K: “Strength and Conditioning because being active is good and learning about the muscles and how to work them in different ways is very beneficial.”
- Brody O: “Net games because it gave me great team bonding skills.”
- Dylan M: “Personal finance was beneficial because everyone needs to know the basics on how to be the most financially successful in the future.”
- Preston Simpson: “Personal finance because you learn very relatable and useful information.”
Social Studies:
- Kaleb K and Chase R: “AP Government because it gives a clear description of everyday life and is super relevant because it teaches you about the rules of your life.”
- Taylor Schmidt: “AP US History because it drastically helps with your writing and critical thinking skills.”
- Harper A: “AP Government because it fills up your econ credit.”
- Whitney S: “AP Studio Art because it gives you an opportunity to improve your artwork and get really close with the people in your class. It is also a really fun class!”
- Blayne G: “AP Chemistry because you have to take chemistry if you’re going into the medical field and this class gives great exposure to the information. I would recommend all AP classes simply for the exposure to the material.”
- Courtney Halverson: “Psychology (Abnormal or AP) because it is interesting and opens your eyes to the world. It gave me a new perspective that everyone should know.”
- Jay B: “I would recommend Practical Mechanics because it teaches you how to be a dad.”
- Bella A: “Student Volunteers because volunteering makes you feel good at the end of the day.”
- Brianna S: “Auto Basics for girls because you learn how to change oil and about basic information about cars that I didn’t know before. Also, the class is not intimidating because it is an all girl class and there are no boys.”
- Colin N: “Digitools because the information I learned was handy in projects and situations in other classes. I learned all about PowerPoint, videos, Photoshop, and much more.”
I hope this article was helpful for you and gave you a little bit of insight on all of the wonderful and beneficial classes offered at Sartell. Choosing classes is a difficult task and it is always advantageous to ask upperclassmen about what classes aided them the most.

Grade: senior.
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