The slang of SHS: Part 19
“Hiikeey” – Adjective
- Really Wanting to
- Fiending
- Want
I highkey want to skip school today.
I would highkey eat 10 waffles right now.
“Lowkeey” – Adjective
- Softly Approving of
- Not elaborate
- I lowkey want to go to Chic-fil-a.
- I would lowkey sleep for 10 hours if I could.
Slang is the name of the game, gang. Slang is as American as apple pie, world wars, and T-bone steak. Slang is the existential phenomenon to every problem and question on earth. Slang is language. Language is slang. Everything is everything, but nothing is anything. What is anything? Nothing. Here’s more slang.
About the Contributor
Nolan Wollum, Journalist
What defines Nolan Wollum? Wolf Shirt Lover. Well traversed traveler of the World and Seven Seas. Kanye West supporter and avid listener. Art Aficionado....