An inmate convicted of double murder has been executed by firing squad, which is the first of its kind in the United States in the last 15 years.
The South Carolina Department of Corrections executed Brad Sigmon, the one convicted of double murder on Friday, March 7th. This is only the fourth firing squad execution in the US since capital punishment was reinstated in 1976, according to the Death Penalty Information Center.
Brad chose the firing squad over the other two state-approved methods, lethal injection or the electric chair.
Back in 2001 Sigmon was convicted of the deaths of his ex-girlfriend’s parents. After their murders, Sigmon managed to kidnap his ex-girlfriend at gunpoint, thankfully she managed to escape.
After Sigmon was executed, his lawyer spoke about Sigmon’s reasoning behind choosing the firing squad.

King described Sigmon as a man of faith and explained how he devoted himself to his faith even though he committed vile acts.
King later said that the state had failed to provide information about drugs used in the lethal injection. Saying that he didn’t trust the drug that would have been provided to him. Sigmon made history as the oldest man executed by the state, age 67.
Hours before the execution, several protesters gathered outside the prison, calling for an end to capital punishment. But all effort was for nothing because the US Supreme Court declined to halt Sigmon’s execution.
About the execution
The execution took place in Columbia, South Carolina, in the death row chamber. Sigmon was put in a black jumpsuit with a white bullseye on his chest and a bag over his head. Just 15 feet away stood three gunmen, who were armed with rifles. These men were standing behind a wall with small holes for their weapons to poke out. This was to keep the guilt away from the gunman. After the shots were fired at 6:05 pm, Sigmon’s chest grew a small red stain before he took a couple more breaths before being declared dead at 6:08 pm