Tune into this article to learn more about Kaylee Rademacher! (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)
⋅ Kaylee’s Family ⋅
Kaylee and her family enjoyed family pictures this past summer. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)
Kaylee has lived in Sartell her whole life and has 2 brothers. Cam is 14 years old and Brooks is 11 years old. Her mom’s name is Erica, and she works at St. Benedicts. Her dad’s name is Chad, and he works at Parman Energy. She has one sweet little dog named Nala, and she is four years old. Her family loves going to sporting events together. Cam is in basketball, football, and golf. Brooks is in basketball, baseball, and football. So they are always busy with sports during the week and tournaments during the weekend.
Kaylee has always been very close with her younger brothers. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)Erica and Chad have always been very supportive since day 1. (Poto used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)
⋅ Kaylee’s social life ⋅
Kaylee loves going to country concerts with her friends in the summer. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)
Kaylee likes to hangout with her friends and family in her free time. She enjoys going to Target, Scheels, and TjMax. She has worked at Scheels for about two years and really enjoys it. Volleyball has been a big part of her life for about nine years now. After her senior season of volleyball, she decided to coach a 12u girls’ volleyball team. Kaylee is going to the College of St. Benedict for elementary education.
Over the summer, Kaylee enjoyed spending time with her friends that graduated. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)Kaylee had an amazing senior year with her friends! (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Radamcher)
Kaylee and her friend Brinkley love taking pictures during the fall. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher).Kaylee loved going to the football games this year! (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)Kaylee and her friends Fallyn and Isabelle went to graduation together last year. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)Kaylee enjoys going to her friends sporting events to support them. (Photo used with permission from Kaylee Rademacher)
Favorite Color: Pink
Favorite Show: Greys Anatomy
Dream Car: Ford Bronco
Summer Activities: Hanging out with friends, Shopping, and going on drives
Favorite Place to Eat: Chick-fil-a