Italy exchange student Francesca Masotti is taking half her senior year at Sartell High School

What has been your favorite part about coming to America?
“The people because you guys are really kind and I love it, people are not this kind in Italy.”
What surprised you about American high school?
“The bond that teachers have with students. In Italy that is not the case. The classes also surprised me because you can choose them.”
What has been your favorite food you have tried in America?
“Hmm…for breakfast for sure apple fritter bread but for like fast food I still don’t have a favorite one.”
What is your favorite class at Sartell High School?
“I have no idea I think i’ve liked all of them”
Who are some people you have grown close with at Sartell High School?
“The exchange students for sure because we are all new and then Mack and Sophia of course theres more but thats who I got closest with”

What are some things you like to do back at home?
“Playing basketball, going out with my friends, playing fuseball and skiing.”
What is your family like back at home?
“I got one little sister then i have my father and my mother”
What do you miss about back at home?
“I miss my friends and family and the food”

Francesca is only going to be at Sartell until January. She then will go back home and continue the rest of her schooling in Italy. after 12th grade she has to complete 13th grade which is the way of schooling in Italy. After her 13th year, she wants to come back to America for college and doesnt quite know what she would want to study.