Sartell-St. Stephen community members anticipate upcoming levy vote

During the Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 October 28th School Board Meeting, the six candidates serving on the School Board voted to bring two facility improvement projects to their community for a vote. The vote will include both facility improvements on the ballot, but question two on the ballot cannot have an effective, positive, vote without the positive vote of question one. These projects will be voted on during a special election on February 11, 2025.
The first question on the ballot that will be getting voted on is about Riverview Intermediate School and their dire need for a new Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system due to the indoor air quality. The building is fifty-six years old, and the average HVAC system has a life expectancy of one to two decades. According to Taper Solutions a contracting company, as HVAC systems age they will begin to lose efficiency, leading to less effective performance of the HVAC system. The result of having an outdated system is higher bills due to the repairs needing to be made and less comfort for the individuals working in the environment every day.
The second question on the ballot receiving votes is the Sartell High School Physical Education/Outdoor Athletic Facilities project, in phase two of the Facilities Master Plan, developed in 2015. This plan outlined the district’s future for the schools and how it could be the most successful environment, benefiting the students. The new project would include adding permanent bleachers, a track, a football field, and areas for all sports to practice without traveling to alternative facilities.
Riverview Intermediate School was built 56 years ago and has flourished for decades, but within the last decade the air circulation efficiency from the HVAC system has started to deteriorate, and not only is it noticeable, but it impacts students and staff daily.
The humid air in the building causes condensation on the tile floor which makes it slippery, doesn’t allow for the sticking of tape, and causes dripping of the duct work and warping of the ceiling tiles. The humidity and lack of air circulation during the warmer months of the year affect how the children and teachers feel, causing many teachers to spring into action by purchasing classroom fans with their own money, hoping to increase the airflow in their room.
Heating issues arise in the winter, and in the video put together by the district, Dr. Dingmann references the music department. “We’ve had some times where some systems weren’t working when we get to school in the morning and our music area is about 52, 53 degrees. Then we let the teachers know to help let the kids wear their coats and that custodial / grounds crew are working on getting that system back up and running.”
If the HVAC System Replacement and Maintenance is approved on February 11th, the proposal will address the maintenance needs which will ensure that the classrooms and spaces where temperatures are controlled are set for a productive learning environment.
In an interview, Dr.Dingmann addressed some of the questions and inquiries that students and community members have generated.
With the deterioration and corrosion of the current system, the district has faced additional expenses to keep it functioning at the rate a new system would function. Over the years, humidity has caused some wear and tear on the building, calling for the replacement of certain items. Since most of the HVAC system originated in 1969, when parts do stop working or break, the custodial staff has to get creative with how they find replacement parts.
When asked how the school overcomes those challenges, Dingmann said, “When parts break or get stuck and we have to get a new one, it’s not that easy to find. It’s not like we can go to a warehouse and find the part, because there are just not that many parts around, so we have to get creative.”
Dingmann also talks briefly about how the new HVAC system would improve the school’s ability to temper the air and transport it around the building, improving temperature control, humidity regulation, and overall heating and air conditioning circulation around the building. This new system the school will be installing if voted on is called a Variable Air Volume System or “VAV,” and according to Jackson Mechanical Service Inc., a newly installed HVAC system has a life of 15-25 years, possibly more if properly maintained.

The HVAC system replacement process would take two summers. Mr. Dingmann says, “Replacing a new HVAC system is a dirty project because Riverview has tunnels that need new piping and also the HVAC systems above the ceiling tiles that need to be replaced. If question one is passed on February 11th, we would be able to start in the summer of 2026. The reason the project wouldn’t be able to have a start date in 2025 is because of the lead time it takes to get the parts. We wouldn’t be able to get the parts we need in time to start in June, because the lead time is too long. The project would be able to be started in the summer of 2026 and only half of the school HVAC system would be able to be replaced that summer because of how much needs to be replaced, and the other half of the school’s HVAC system would need to be replaced the following summer of 2027 due to the expansive layout of the systems across the building.”
Jesse Paggen, the lead of custodial staff at Riverview Intermediate School, had some additional insight into some of the questions asked of Dr. Dingmann.
When asked about the features a new HVAC system would have that the current one wouldn’t be able to handle, he said “The new system is going to have more filtration area, a heating and cooling coil where as of now we currently only can heat outside air once it comes in from outside. We can’t do much with the outside air in our current system. Still, with the updated system we will be able to heat the air and drop out the humidity by cooling it and heating it, so you’ll be able to take outside air and drop moisture and humidity levels from it. There’s the ability to run CO2 sensors in them, and you can manipulate the air a lot better. We currently can’t do a lot with the system we have because it’s so antiquated, and we’d be switching to all neumatic style control over to an electronic style controlling system. The electronic system will be more exact as far as all of our dampers, and when they say they’re shut they will be. We don’t have to go and physically look at them all the time, and most of the controls in the building are overall in not great shape so by updating the air handler, you get the newer style controls which would work a lot better, smoother and we’d have the ability to have those VAV’s.”
The second question on the special election ballot, on February 11th, 2025, is whether the community would like to make improvements to the Outdoor Facilities at Sartell High School. The vote on the second question will not be accepted unless the first question, which references the HVAC refresh at Riverview Intermediate School, ends up getting passed by the members of the community.
The facilities update has been in the district’s drawing board for a while, as it was included in Phase 2 of the outdoor facilities improvements, but hasn’t been brought up again and voted on until recently, leading the school board to decide on letting the community decide.
Many students have voiced how important it is to them that this gets passed because it would limit unnecessary transportation that was once essential to even be able to practice your sport. Sartell High School is one of the two schools in the Central Lakes Conference that does not have turf. According to the video made by the school district, many of the students at our school, especially football players, say that it would be beyond enjoyable to play football at their high school instead of their middle school. This question on the ballot is extremely impactful on high school students because 2/3’s of Sartell St. Stephen Students are in activities.
The new outdoor facilities would also impact the physical education teachers as well as their classes, because when the weather is right the teachers try to bring their students outside to enjoy the nice weather while they’re doing activities like sprints, yard games, and walks around the school.

Bruce Thompson, the Activities Director at Sartell High School has a true passion for working with coaches and student athletes to help them succeed in any way they can.
Since the new high school was completed in the fall of 2019, over 1,349 students currently roam the halls every day and the team of admin in the building works for the best opportunities to provide their students with. One of these opportunities they’d like to give students is completing phase 2 of the outdoor facilities project which was compiled when planning the school’s construction.
Phase 2 of the outdoor facilities project would include adding permanent bleachers, a football field, a running track, and additional space for sports and the physical education department to utilize for exercise and practice.
When asked what he was most excited about as the Activities Director for the school and the athletics department, Mr. Thompson said, “I work as an Activities Director because I love working with kids, and seeing them grow and gain confidence through sports and activities. If question #2 passes at the special election on February 11th, I am most excited about the opportunities that it will create for our high school students and the Sartell Community. The youth associations in Sartell will have the opportunity to use Riverview Intermediate Stadium more, and they will have the opportunity to practice on our multi-purpose turf field which will provide an awesome experience for everyone involved. Our high school athletic teams will benefit from having a track on campus, and a turf field that will allow all of our sports and activities an opportunity to practice farther into the fall season, and earlier in the spring. Our Track & Field team along with football would be able to have home games and events at Sartell High School, which I believe would unite our school and community.”

For more information on the February 11th special election, check out the Vote 2025 drop-down menu on the Sartell ISD748 district website.