Discovering the masterminds behind the Sabre Robotics team

Founded in 2016, Sabre Robotics has become a driving force for STEM education in its community. It offers students invaluable hands-on experiences while actively engaging with local organizations. With the support of businesses, educators, and families, the team has grown in size and impact, inspiring young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
The Sabre Robotics Team is a group of Sartell High School students passionate about learning and innovation. They fund, design, build, and operate their robot with input from specialized groups of students within the team, along with guidance from experienced mentors. From logistics and finance, which are completed weeks in advance of the season kickoff, to 6+ weeks of intense design, building, and testing, the team creates a robot that competes in FIRST robotics competitions.

Although the team was established in 2016, most consider the 2023 season as the game-changer that put them on the map, with the team winning its first regional event and becoming a finalist at another. These achievements were a testament to the hard work and dedication of every team member.
In 2023, the Sabre Robotics team members presented to 16 organizations. Businesses were excited to hear from the students who are the future of technology and were happy to support the thriving program. They also toured three sponsors’ facilities to learn more about the manufacturing and fabrication processes. These events allowed them to reach hundreds of community members and secure thousands of dollars in funding for the team. Furthermore, they were able to raise $55,000 for St. Cloud’s first FRC regional. This accounted for 25% of the event’s total funding.
The team has also formed strong relationships within the broader FIRST Robotics community. Sabre Robotics has assisted other teams with competitions and mentoring, and its members present at the 2023 Jumpstart event. These collaborations foster a sense of community among FIRST teams and inspire Sabre Robotics members to continue mentoring after graduation.

Not only has the team become more involved with local businesses, but they also connected to the Sartell community. In 2023 and 2024, they made an effort to be present at various events, such as activity nights at the local community center or business grand openings. Community members were able to learn about their mission. They got so much positive attention that they were featured in two videos and six articles on the local news.
They went as far as to collaborate with a sponsor to acquire a CNC router for the shop at Sartell High School. Team members from 6045 (Sabre Robotics) and 4607 were trained in the SHS shop by industry professionals to operate it. Additionally, they worked alongside school faculty to integrate the router into their technical education classes. The router has allowed the school to enhance the CAD and technical skills of our Robotics team, another FIRST team, and dozens of students at our school.
They also prioritize making connections with other teams within the FIRST community. At practices and events, they have assisted several teams across the state. These collaborative efforts have led to strong relationships between our team and others in the FIRST community. They’ve also inspired our members to mentor other teams after high school. They have made the effort to maintain those vital connections by expanding their online presence on Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok.
Furthermore, the team has led and facilitated 463 STEM camps for 4,393 youth in Minnesota, North Dakota, and Iowa in the past three years. COR Robotics, run by the head coach, partners with our team to teach 3rd – 8th graders skills like problem-solving, teamwork, and design through engaging STEM-focused activities.
The Sartell School District also took the time to help the robotics team create a seamless stem pipeline from grade school to graduation. The Sabre Robotics members mentor the middle school VEX team. It has granted them a valuable opportunity to pass on knowledge and gain leadership skills. As the lead-in program for the FRC team and the largest source of new members every year, the middle school team is an essential step for youth interested in STEM in the school district.

Sabre Robotics is committed to expanding its impact, both locally and globally. The team plans to grow its membership, enhance educational resources, and deepen community connections. Through initiatives like TeamREV, the team has built a global network, connecting with other robotics teams and pushing itself to new heights.
At the core of Sabre Robotics is a commitment to its people. The team is driven by its members’ passion, collaboration, and dedication, and it is this sense of community that has made the program so successful. As it looks to the future, Sabre Robotics is focused on continuing to inspire, mentor, and create opportunities for the next generation of robotics enthusiasts and innovators.

But what truly sets Sabre Robotics apart is its people. Team members are at the heart of everything the program accomplishes, from building and programming robots to leading community initiatives. Each member plays an essential role, whether they’re part of the build team, business team, or outreach efforts. The program emphasizes teamwork and mentorship, ensuring that knowledge is shared and leadership skills are developed.

What is your role? “My role on the team is build lead, co-captain, and pit boss.”
Favorite part? “The opportunities it provides. The opportunity to experience new things and the world around me in an environment that is meant to specifically teach those skills. ”
What did you think about robotics before you joined? “I don’t really think I thought about it. I joined in 3rd grade when I was 10.”
Who are you outside of robotics? “I love to do a lot of baking. I also really like to go camping and hiking.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “I want to go to Worlds, but I don’t think that should be the most important thing. So I’d like to find people to take on my role once I graduate and set the team up for success next year.”
What has been your experience on the team? “In my freshman year, the original coach who had founded the team decided that he no longer wanted to coach the team. So my freshman year two parents, one of which being my dad, volunteered to coach the team. They had absolutely no idea what they were doing. That year was a very interesting experience for me. I very much enjoyed it because it was just a bunch of students experimenting and trying to apply the knowledge that they had acquired through other lives and that was really an inspiring thing to watch. So that year we performed very, very poorly on the only tournament that we went to. Then in the summer between 9th and 10th, Ryan [Swanson, the head coach] joined the team. He had a background in robotics. He brought in new mentors and showed us how the world of FRC works and what the game rules mean…I am very curious how the team will continue.
How will you use robotics in college? “I’m going to college for mechanical engineering, so I will be applying many of the things that I have learned within robotics, both technical and personal. In more of a technical sense, I think it’s very beneficial to me that I have a lot of experience in forming opinions on what kind of gears we should use, general material, or systems opinions. I think it will also benefit me a lot to just have a solid understanding of the foundations of how the engineering process works. I think that robotics has given me a space to get experience in professional settings, far earlier than most of my classmates, and have the opportunity to present to CEOs and business leaders since I was 14. Meaning I’m very comfortable in that kind of situation, and I’m not afraid of these people like other teenagers. Robotics taught me how to communicate with anyone.”

What is your role? “I am the business captain and one of the co-captains.”
Favorite part? “My favorite part is seeing the positive impact of our community outreach events.”
What did you think about robotics before you joined? “When I first joined the team, I thought I would quit within the first couple of weeks because I thought there wasn’t a place for me and that I wasn’t smart enough.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “My personal goal for the season is winning the Impact Award or EI.”
What has your experience on the team been? “Over the past year and a half, I met many interesting people, grew my skills, and created so many connections in the industry. But this team helped me find my passion for helping people.

What is your role? “I design the robot, make the robot, and drive the robot, so pretty simple.”
Favorite part? “It’s really an addiction isn’t it? It’s all for the minute and 35 seconds of dopamine when you drive. But I also really love the community that surrounds robotics.”
What did you think about robotics before you joined? “I didn’t think I was going to enjoy it that much. A friend of mine was like ‘You should join the robotics team,’ and I said I will show up for one practice and I never stopped showing up.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “Well I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to win state.”

What is your role? “I am the design lead and the operator for the robot.”
Favorite part? “Probably all the friends I’ve made on the program.”
What did you think about robotics before you joined? “I really didn’t [think about it], I’ve been doing things like this all my life so I was used to it.”
Who are you outside of robotics? “A nerd, a Boy Scout.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “My personal goal is to make a good robot that doesn’t break down during half of our matches at Worlds.”

What is your role? “My role on the team is lead photographer…I’d like to be a human player this year.”
Favorite part? “My favorite part of robotics is the late-night chats that we get to have, at either competition or at school…but really just connecting with people.”
What did you think of robotics before you joined? “I didn’t really think of it, I just had a friend be like ‘join robotics’ and then I joined robotics.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “Being a human player for the team this year.”
What has been your favorite thing you’ve done? “The late night conversations and connecting with people, because that’s something I struggle with. So just connecting with others.”

Who are you? I’m Ryan Swanson, the head coach for team 6045, and I have been since 2023.”
What made you want to mentor the team? “I was an alumni of the program in Becker, and I spent my junior and senior years as a lead member of the team. After I graduated from Becker, then I became a mentor for them…then I found an opportunity here, and it was an awesome fit.”
What’s your favorite part about mentoring the team? “My favorite part is probably long-term. So you see awkward freshmen come into the program and you see them grow and develop and gain skills from being in the program and eventually, when they’re seniors, they have these, great talents that they didn’t have when they were freshmen. Just being a part of their growth and journey. I think is a lot of fun and being able to teach what I’ve learned through the program so that they can learn and take away great things like I did.”
How do you balance robotics and your job? “So I have like four jobs kind of. I’m a mechanical engineer for an automation company. I run my own summer camp company. I’m the head coach of the team, and I have to have a life. So how do I balance it? It’s just about being efficient, so what I’m doing is something I hold myself to get it done efficiently so that I’m able to get everything done.”
What is a personal goal for the season? “I’ve got a number of different goals. Competitively, I would love to take this team to the World Championship. I think we’ve got all the parts there to do that. I want to make sure the kids all have fun. I want to make sure that people are engaged in the program, and they’re getting out of the program what they want to.”
The following video was filmed and edited by Taytum Ackerman who is a LeSabre journalist and also a member of the Sartell Robotics Team.

Hobbies: Reading, Writing, and Painting
Favorite Book: Daisy Jones and the Six
Coffee Order: Iced Turtle Mocha
Favorite Movie: Everything Everywhere All at Once
Favorite Song: Getaway Car - Taylor Swift